
Journey To The Hybrid Cloud

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Cloud adoption has now entered the “early  mainstream” stage as enterprises increasingly look to cloud deployment as a viable model for agile, cost-effective IT delivery. However, the prevailing binary paradigm of cloud infrastructure (public versus private) limits the extent to which enterprises can fully leverage the on-demand, self-service, elastic resource provisioning attributes of public cloud while maintaining the same security, reliability, performance, and management frameworks present in current private cloud implementations. Hybrid cloudsolves this problem.

In simple terms, hybrid cloud enables a converged or diversified IT environment encompassing both public/offsite and private/onsite cloud resources. Virtual machines, applications, and workloads operate seamlessly across different types of IT environments — private clouds residing in enterprise datacenters, private clouds located in service providerdatacenters, and external public clouds. However, hybrid cloud is more than just the middle ground between public cloud and private cloud and involves more than simply running different workloads in different IT environments. Hybrid clouds integrate compute, storage,  security, networking, applications, and management into a common, highly orchestrated onsite/offsite IT operations “workspace,” which enables enterprise IT and developers to leverage the speed and agility of public cloud in concert with the existing tools, systems, and policies being used in the enterprise datacenter

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